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Laura Koeppler

LUISAVIAROMA adds K-beauty to its beauty assortment

Italian luxury clothing and accessories retailer Luisaviaroma is launching a Korean cosmetics range. The site offers a fashion selection of several hundred designers and delivers internationally in 125 countries, free of charge in 50, including France.

the "made in Korea" quality seduces the luxury sector

In mid-June 2018, the retailer opened its doors to the world of beauty, banking on a trendy, high-end skincare offering, but above all stepping out of the box with 30 brand new products. The innovation? The pure player is in turn betting on K-Beauty to elevate its offer and stand out from its competition.

Among the handpicked designers, there are the must-haves of Korean beauty of the moment: 

A relatively limited selection for the moment, but complete enough to initiate oneself to the best of Korean treatments in a luxurious spirit proper to Luisa Via Roma.

Please note: these treatments are classified in both the 'women's beauty' and 'men's beauty' categories. 


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