Laura koeppler
Laura koeppler
Laura koeppler
Les études l’affirment : les consommatrices sont lassées de dépenser leur argent dans les « crèmes miracle » d’une cosmétique conventionnelle désuète aux formules peu performantes, au rapport qualité-prix insuffisant et aux messages marketing auxquelles elles ne s’identifient pas.
Désormais, elle se tourne vers une offre cosmétique innovante qui réinvente l’expérience du soin. Fini les promesses ubuesques, place à une efficacité qui parle d’elle-même et à un plaisir retrouvé au moment de la routine beauté.
C’est dans ce contexte que la beauté coréenne s’impose comme une opportunité : riche de 10 ans d’avance en R&D dermo-cosmétique, la « K-Beauty » révèle des formules à la pointe, mêlant avec brio pharmacopée ancestrale et molécules boosters, sublimées par une galénique inédite offrant une expérience sensorielle jamais vue.
Le nec-plus-ultra ? Des packagings accrocheurs, luxueux, ludiques, mais respirant toujours l’élégance. Ou l’art de proposer une expérience nouvelle sans compromettre la qualité exigée.
Whether you want ...
Stay tuned on the South Korean beauty industry
Incorporate the K-innovations into your products
Observe the latest Korean retail trends
Create a shop to sell Korean cosmetics
Launch and distribute your Korean beauty brand in France
I support you in the discovery of these disruptive products which have shaken up international standards
Listen to the market and infuse the latest Korean technology in the DNA of your products range!
I help you spot the latest beauty innovations and chase the new trends and products buzzing in South Korea to help you twist your development.
Together, let's imagine the future of your brand!
Going on a business trip or trade show to Seoul, the world capital of beauty innovations? Optimize your time downtown by being accompanied in a retail tour by a English-French speaking K-Beauty expert.
For a day or a few hours, I will take you to discover the most beautiful beauty retail channels and skincare trends of the moment in South Korea.
& masterclass
I support your R&D or marketing team in discovering Korean beauty innovations, face-to-face or remotely training sessions, with video-conferences or training books .
Want to sparkle a new energy into your store? I train your sales staff or your estheticians to master Asian beauty rituals steps and gestures, while immersing them into Korean beauty culture.
Offer your clients surprising and educational masterclasses: I create a cocoon of relaxation to pamper your customers and reveal new well-being tips inspired by the Korean ritual to take care of them.
& BRAND content
I create a unique content strategy for your brand, in French and in English (Voltaire certification in French spelling plus TOEIC level 900):
Brand identity (storytelling)
Product naming
Packaging (claims and instructions in accordance with the European Cosmetic Regulation)
Press releases and press kits
Training tools (sales presentation book, treatment protocol training)
And because digital is a major lever for recruiting your customers and staying in constant contact with them:
Editorial strategy
SEO optimized web writing (e-commerce product sheets, corporate content , blogposts)
Creation of newsletters / e-mailing automated sequences
Are you organizing a BeautyCon or a show dedicated to Korean culture (hallyu) and want to promote K-Beauty?
Would you like to surprise your members by giving a touch of novelty to your annual general meeting?
Go for a talk on the K-Beauty phenomenon to capture your audience.